

In recent years, there have been multiple media and other authoritative reports, highlighting increasing criminal activities in post-war Liberia.

Many of the crimes such as “snatch-and grabs” of electronics, purses, bags, vehicular vandalism, vehicle break-ins, among others categorized as “Theft,” according to Liberia 2020 Crime and Safety Report released by U.S. State Department’s Overseas Advisory Council (OSAC), usually occur in densely populated areas throughout the country.

Although the OSAC Report made it abundantly clear that most of these “Crimes of Opportunity” being perpetrated by people working in small groups to target unsuspecting victims end without violence if the victim is compliant, the same U.S. Department of State in its previous 2019 report, pointed out that it has “assessed Monrovia as being a CRITICAL-threat location for crime directed at or affecting official U.S. government interests.” The OSAC report added among others that “crime remained at a critical level throughout the country, owing to growing public discontent with Liberia’s faltering economy.

While this Write-Up does not, in any way, intend to question or impugn the stellar credibility and sanctity of the OSAC Report or to discredit or undercut the efforts and commitment of the Liberian government as it strives for sustainable national security, it basically seeks to highlight the dire need for strong collaboration between Liberia’s private sector and state security agencies.

Another reason is for the GOL to allow private sector security companies take over the security of concession companies operating in the country such as Golden Veroleum Liberia, Manco, formerly Sam Darby, etc. Already, the Liberia National Police (LNP), has been faced with multiple operational, logistical, manpower and other mind-numbing challenges, a situation which, by all accounts, and in no small way, is undermining the full deployment of its personnel across the country. 

It should also be stressed here that the practice of private concession companies operating their own internal security operations, to say the least, leaves much to be desired. Frankly, such practice is counterproductive as it contributes significantly to the occurrence of theft with no indemnities and the companies end up losing. 

Let it be emphasized that the outsourcing of security contracts to private security companies will immensely contribute to curtailing the high incidence of crime and the issue of indemnities addressed without them sustaining losses. Indeed, it is becoming gradually clear that criminal activities and other acts of violence and lawlessness are not only going on the increase, but also often perpetrated with concession companies, local communities, and other private sector institutions being negatively impacted to the displeasure of the central government.

It is in consideration of this situation, and for the purpose of ensuring law and order, peace and tranquility at all times that the GOL has been deploying or assigning personnel of its relevant security and law-enforcement agencies, mainly the Liberia National Police (LNP), to operating areas of concession companies and other private sector institutions which are mostly situated in rural areas. While the move by the Government is worth embracing and needs to be fully supported, it seems to be overstretching the professional capacity and operation of the LNP, something which, by all accounts requires strong partnership with private sector security institutions.

Although it is glaring that efforts to establish exclusive reliance on private sector policing have had challenges in many countries over the years, it remains indisputably clear that many police functions that do not involve crimes or emergencies are being contracted out to professional and credible private sector security institutions. Evidence abound that industries are more concerned with recovery of property than with arrests which tend to be the focus of attention of the public police – use private investigators and private crime prevention devices such as central alarm systems, CCTV Systems (Standard IP and HD), Biometric Access Control/ Time Attendance, Fire Detective System, GPS Tracker System, Network Solutions and IT System Set-up, just to name a few have become coveted equipment as it relates to effective private sector security operation.

This is also why clients of the 100% Liberian-owned Security Expert Guard Agency of Liberia (SEGAL), are becoming increasingly thrilled over its increasing world-class security and business performance since its establishment, and at the same time, pushing for GOL to not only strengthen, but also enhance its relationship with SEGAL in many professional and technical spheres. With the growing embrace of its preeminence services to wide-ranging portfolio of clients in both the public and private sectors, and its reliance and commitment to providing topnotch and integrated security solutions, the 100 % Liberian-owned Security Expert Guard Agency of Liberia (SEGAL), has clearly positioned itself as an Agency of Choice for many in the Liberian security industry.

Established in 2006 by two seasoned and well respected Liberian professionals including Mr. Momo T. Cyrus, as General Manager/ Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Lionel Adolphus Keller, Jr.as a Partner and Member of the Board of Directors (BOD),  SEGAL specializes in corporate security and governance, private investigation, bank protection, intelligence, business and finance, industrial and mining security, aviation and marine security.

The company’s services also include VIP Escort Protection, Special Events Security, Private Security, Cash Escort Protection, CCTV Systems, Industrial Training Security and Electronic Locks (Bio-metric and proximity) as well as simplifying the complexities of the private security industry, solving the perennial problems of clients and their business challenges.

Driven by trust, integrity, team work, innovation and commitment, SEGAL, since its establishment more than a decade ago, has attracted a considerable number of valued clients across the country, among which are credible local and international companies, organizations and institutions that crave its services. Among these entities are ArcelorMittal Liberia Limited (AML), Eco-bank Liberia Limited, Access Bank Liberia Limited, American International School of Monrovia (AISM), Plan International Liberia, Jahmale Medical Solutions, UN-World Food Program (UN-WFP), Population Services International (PSI), National Social Security and Welfare Corporation (NASSCORP), UNICEF Liberia, Farmington, Cape, Mamba Point Hotels, among others.

“Rather than dwelling on our past achievements, we look forward to the enormous opportunities that are emerging from the growing shift to digital business. We invest in new solutions and acquisitions to build our capabilities,” said a recent Message from the Agency’s Board of Directors (BOD). The Message which was contained in the agency’s recent profile was released by SEGAL’s General Manager/ Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Mr. Momo Cyrus said: “Our cost-effective security solutions are focused on mitigating risks and enabling organizations to achieve their goals. The strengths of the company’s management team, the quality and reputation of personnel, the innovation/technology we bring to the market and the ability to accurately forecast associated costs based on past performance in similar programs make SEGAL the best Choice for you,” said Cyrus who holds a Master’s degree in International Relations from the Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida Graduate School of International Studies, University of Liberia.

The GM, CEO Cyrus who, over the years, has also been professionally skilled in Johannesburg, South Africa, Zanzibar, Tanzania, Washington DC, United States of America (USA), Rome, Italy, and Stockholm, Sweden, among others in various professional disciplines stressed that integrity, trust, customer service, accountability, 

team work and innovation are the values upon which SEGAL has built its success and growth over the years.

As part of its corporate commitment and as a forerunner in the provision of integrated security solutions, SEGAL has consistently exceeded customers’ satisfaction through “operational excellence and innovation,” explained the CEO. Over the years, SEGAL had enabled its corporate clients to optimize their operations, manage their costs and invest in innovations that trigger new potential across their organizations. 

Moreover, what makes SEGAL unique is its ability to conceptualize, architect, and implement new and expanded capabilities that allow customers at all strata of the Liberian society to transform legacy models aimed at taking their businesses to the next level. Indeed, SEGAL is not only aware, but also believes strongly that business relationships are the best foundation of success, and as such, its priority over the years, has been the building and consolidating of durable and mutually rewarding business relationships with its valued customers.

The topnotch private security agency has offered assurances for customers to maintain explicit confidence in its ability as it provides basic needs in line with international best practices. “As part of our professional duties, we perform assessment among others to allow organizations to assess, identify, and modify their overall security posture and to enable security, operations, organizational management and other personnel to collaborate,” he emphasized.

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